Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Puzzle 63 ("Four Boxes", Yajilin)

A few months back, I posted about my intentions to make Yajilin puzzles that were purposely easy.  I originally thought the second puzzle of the two given constructions was fit for the desired challenge level, but it turns out I overshot the difficulty, as expected.  (My third such "easy" Yajilin, which I sent to GMPuzzles, was also a bit harder than I wanted, though it was well within range of normal Tuesday difficulty.)

Part of the reason I overestimated the difficulty of those puzzles was because I resorted to deductions that were easy to spot, which is quite a bit different from deductions that are actually easy.  (For example, a pair of 2 clues looking down a 2x6 rectangle may be easy to spot, but it is, itself, not a beginner's deduction.)  Hopefully, the puzzle below gets closer to achieving the intended goal.  Though, given my last few attempts, it's hard to say :)

Online interface 

1 comment:

  1. Yep, this one hits a nice spot imho. I'm no Yajilin pro at all, so this was a very satisfying solve. The break-in with the right 2 is easy to spot and makes for a nice flow afterwards.
