Saturday, November 18, 2023

Puzzle 201 ("Empty Abyss III", Choco Banana)

Whoops, I did it again.  This is the final one. I could maybe try to extend it further, but I don't want to for two reasons:

  1. The opening logic becomes repetitive after a point;
  2. I'm implicitly trying to keep all the number clues single digits, and I just barely managed to make that work in this grid.

In any case, these experiments are fun.  Open middle grids are fun.  Maybe a bit too fun.

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Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Puzzle 200 ("Empty Abyss II", Choco Banana)

This is the sequel to Puzzle 188.  I think it's possible to go farther, but I'm not sure it's worth it (especially given my implicit requirement of having single-digit clues in these).

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Sunday, November 5, 2023

Puzzle 199 (Magnets)

Last night I realized there are no Magnets puzzles in the database, so I decided to write one.  I'm not super familiar with this genre, so this puzzle doesn't have anything ridiculous, but it still should be a smooth solve.  My main goal was to get a grip for what clues do in Magnets puzzles, and I think I learned something quite useful about how they function while doing so.

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Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Puzzle 198 (Masyu (Full))

Masyu with a full loop constraint is ridiculously powerful.  A little too powerful, sometimes.  This grid is antisymmetric but there's still good logic to be had here!  (Though part of that is also due to the ... very large hole in the center of the grid.  Unfortunately, 169 is odd.)

Rules: Classic Masyu rules apply.  Additionally, the loop must pass through all cells.

Online interface (Penpa)