Thursday, July 18, 2024

Puzzle 214 (Kakuro)

Have a Kakuro.  I originally wrote this puzzle for the Logic Puzzle Open held back in April, but we decided to use two of Michael Tang's creations instead.  

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Online interface (Penpa)


Monday, July 15, 2024

Puzzle 213 (Choco Banana)

I haven't posted here in a few months!  During this time I've been mainly focusing on my PhD research and summer teaching jobs.  I have posted some puzzles to puzsq, but have otherwise not been active on this front.

Here is a Choco Banana I constructed one night as a late-night doodle.  It exemplifies my style pretty well, I think.

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Monday, May 13, 2024

Puzzle 212 (Tapa (Rope))

This puzzle type is a Tapa variant invented by Mitchell "DireKrow" Clarke two years ago.  It allows for some interesting logic not seen in normal Tapa puzzles.

Rules: Shade some cells so that all shaded cells form one orthogonally connected area. Clues cannot be shaded, and represent the lengths of the blocks of consecutive shaded cells along the length of rope attached to the clue, not necessarily in order. No 2×2 region may be entirely shaded.

Online interface (Penpa+)