Thursday, March 6, 2025

Genre Spotlight 18: Gardens (Puzzles 253 and 254)

It's always surprising to see what niche puzzle types lurk in the depths of the internet.  I found Gardens tucked away in, attributed to a German puzzle designer named Uwe Wiedemann.  It's a cute type.  It combines Nurikabe with Shikaku to get a puzzle that, while not as expressive as either original genre, still has some interesting interactions.

I've modified the presentation slightly to change it from a "regions" genre to a "shading" genre.

Rules: The diagram contains small gardens, i.e. rectangular green areas separated by hedges (shaded cells). Number clues cannot be shaded, and every garden contains exactly one number equal to its area. Each 2x2 square must have at least one garden square.  Gardens may touch diagonally.


We've had some difficult puzzles recently, so both grids today lean on the easier side.  My aim with these was to construct grids that had a somewhat-consistent pace to them.  (That is, the puzzle doesn't cascade out of control once the first few rectangles are found.)

Puzzle 253 (Penpa)

Puzzle 254 (Penpa)



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