Top Heavy TomTom is a hybrid puzzle I first discovered during Puzzle Ramayan a few months ago. This afternoon, I finally did the higher valued puzzle from that contest and was inspired to write one of my own. In general, setting puzzles with more "global" constraints (e.g. Nurikabe, where you can't just add new clues at random) is not a strength of mine, but I'm happy with how this turned out.
Place a digit from 1 to 4 into some cells in the grid so that no digit repeats in any row or column, and all digits within the range appear exactly once in each row and column. Some cells remain blank. The cages follow TomTom rules, and the grid follows ‘Top Heavy’ rules (that is, if two digits are in vertically adjacent cells, the greater of the two digits must be on top). Also, all cells of the clued TomTom cages must contain digits, i.e. cannot be empty.