Thursday, August 22, 2024

IPC 2024 Puzzles

It's been a few years since I last wrote for the Indian Puzzle Championship.  Thanks to Prasanna for allowing me to write again this year!  I didn't write as much this year as I did last time, but that's partially due to the number of constructors and partially due to the format.  Out of respect to the organizers of the event, I will only be providing pictures to the puzzles here (no solving links); if you're interested in buying the full set, worth €5.00/$5.56, email

Friday, August 16, 2024

Puzzle 215 (Island Pool)

Hey, hi!  It's been a while (so I say every time I post nowadays).  I have still been writing puzzles, but most of my efforts have gone to specific projects.  For example, I wrote for the USPC this year!  Thanks to Nick Baxter for allowing me to construct puzzles for the contest.  Not all my puzzles are perfect, but I am happy with several of them. 

On a different note, here is a puzzle from three months ago that I'm finally posting here.  This was originally conceived as a Tapa variant, but it feels too far removed from Tapa for my liking.  I'm honestly not sure if it's really a variant of any genre -- Nurikabe, perhaps?  For now, I'm putting this ruleset under a new genre titled Island Pool, but I can be persuaded otherwise.

Rules. Shade some cells so that all shaded cells form one orthogonally connected area and no 2x2 region is entirely shaded.  Clues cannot be shaded and represent the areas of all unshaded regions which contain at least one of the (up to eight) surrounding cells.  Gray clue cells are considered neither shaded nor unshaded.

Online interface (Penpa)

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Puzzle 214 (Kakuro)

Have a Kakuro.  I originally wrote this puzzle for the Logic Puzzle Open held back in April, but we decided to use two of Michael Tang's creations instead.  

Online interface ( 

Online interface (Penpa)